Enneagram Types Attend The Bridal Show
Anyone else completely bought in to the Enneagram hype? The Denton Bridal Show team totally has. If you have no idea what we are talking about, odds are you have seen a meme pertaining to this topic somewhere, but you just didn’t know it. If you are into Enneagram, then you know exactly what we are talking about and you probably just audibly squealed at your computer. Well, all the E-sevens squealed at the computer.
For those of you feeling a bit lost, Enneagram has many definitions. For the sake of time and the purpose of this blog post, we chose the following simple definition:
“Enneagram can be seen as a set of nine distinct personality types, with each number on the Enneagram denoting a type.”
– How the System Works, Enneagraminstitute.com

The Enneagram with the Riso-Hudson Type Names Copyright, 2001, The Enneagram Institute. All Rights Reserved.
Yep, it’s a personality test, a super in depth one. We know, some of you just checked out. But we beg you to hear the plea of those of us who have fallen in love with it, and now spend our time Enneagram-typing every character on our favorite shows. It’s more than just a silly test!
Of course, we won’t take all day explaining how it’s more than just a personality test. But we will say, as a team, we have found it to be crazy accurate. We don’t know how we would make it through a day without seeing The Office memes transformed to represent each personality type from accounts like @rudeassenneagram.
Clearly, Enneagram makes us excited. So, we thought “oh, my gosh Becky” we should write a blog series featuring bride Enneagram-type responses to our show. For example, what each type thought to themselves as they registered for our show, why each type should attend, and how each type can get the most out of it! Side note: we get a lot of crazy ideas like this, and of course, we think we are hilarious, but we also know maybe it’s only us that thinks we are hilarious. So some of those ideas never make it to the blog… but this one did! So here goes nothing.
**Disclaimer: Please remember we aren’t Enneagram experts, just @enneagramandcoffee connoisseurs. Please don’t send us emails.
We started imagining what each type might be saying privately to themselves regarding attending the Denton Bridal Show :
Type 1: “I will make a list of every vendor, stalk, um… I mean, follow each of them on social media (because that’s where people slip up and show their real self), and I will also type out 10 interview questions for each vendor to answer on the spot. Oh, and I wonder if Denton Bridal Show will have a survey- well, there probably won’t be enough room for suggestions, people never leave enough room. I’ll just email them directly through the site - oh wait! here’s the phone number. I’ll make sure to get there 30 minutes early to get a swag bag and claim my seat at the DIY decor class...”
Type 2: “Oh, Bridal Show sounds fun and I could invite my wedding party. We could all go together! I love when we are together. Oh wait, well, is that okay to ask them to pay the $10 each? Maybe I could pay for them all. It’s not really in my budget, but you know I don’t really have to have that many florals. It would be so special to go. I should buy them! …….
**The week of show: I can’t believe Sarah and Candice can’t come to the show, especially after I paid for their tickets, I have supported them in every endeavor.”
Type 3: “I bought ten tickets, which means my name will be entered into the raffle 20 times. I will win the raffle prizes and my wedding will be insane! Oh look, the vendors list is on the website. Great, I won’t waste my time with vendors I am uninterested in. This florist is amazing, and I can tell by her photos she is going to love me - by the time my wedding is over I bet we will be best friends. I know exactly what to wear.”
Type 4: “Champagne service, tiny cupcakes on a tray, giant floral installations... Sounds like an incredible ambiance *swoon. Maybe I will find my perfect dress and maybe even book my dream florist in the most amazing meet-cute sequence in a movie. But what if every bride books the same vendors? That would be so sad.” *silence and sadness while pondering* “I really want an authentic wedding. Sigh…..”
Type 5: “Eighty vendors, that’s a lot of people and it will take a lot of energy to do the proper research. But the discounts I receive may outweigh the cost of the energy I’ll expend, so I’m in. These vendors get great reviews, but I need to meet them in person to make my own decision. It’ll be worth it, but I’m definitely not staying the entire time.”
Type 6: “Eighty vendors, what is the occupancy for Monroe Pearson? That feels a little packed in the event of an emergency. Surely they have a plan for fire. What if the vendors I want to speak with cancel and don’t show, ugh maybe I shouldn’t even buy my ticket in case the event turns out to be a flop? If I decide to go, I will definitely need someone to go with me to help me make decisions.”
Type 7: “Oh, my Gosh, you guys WE HAVE TO GO!! All of us. There are free drinks, free cupcakes, demonstrations, photo booths (with props), DJ’s, Florists and FREE STUFF. Did you see these raffle prizes? Also, their Instagram stories are legit hilarious. This is going to be so fun, let’s all dress up and wear those bridal party pins from Party city!”
Maid of Honor: “I thought you had already booked an appointment at that coveted dress shop that day?
E Seven: I’ll cancel, duh! Are you even hearing what I am saying? This event is way better and they have dress vendors attending. Two birds, one stone.”
**Day of the show: “Oh crap, is the show TODAY????”
Type 8: “Amazing, all the wedding vendors in one place. This makes my process so much more efficient. Surely they will have a printed floor plan available. I only need two more vendors and my vendor list will be complete. I love it when a plan comes together. I’m not even going to tell anyone about it, because I don’t want anyone slowing me down.”
Type 9: “So many brides in one room, I wonder if I will even be able to hear myself think or get a word in edge-wise with a vendor. And what if they ask me if I have made up my mind about the wedding date, or the flower colors, or my dress? I wonder if Denton Bridal Show has ever thought about putting the entire event on Facebook Live? Then I could do all my work from home, in this chair. I love this chair. I think I will watch The Wedding Planner on Netflix.”
If you laughed at any of these comments, we appreciate you. We love to laugh, if you couldn’t tell, and we have no problem laughing at ourselves and our personalities. If you haven’t caught our personal Enneagram types on our Instagram story we have listed them below, so you can envision the DBS team in all their Enneagram glory!
Enneagram 3.
DBS owner. Wedding planner. Former Cop. Mom.
First thing to go when stressed: selflessness
Struggles to: feel like she’s done enough, sit down, exercise.
Most annoying habit according to others: obsessive cleaning
Enneagram 7.
DBS Owner. Photographer. Mom. Cat mom.
First thing to go when stressed: patience
Struggles to: sit still, put things on the calendar, and listen.
Most annoying habit according to others: I have no filter
Enneagram 7.
DBS Social Media Coordinator. Event Coordinator. Former crossing guard. Mom.
First thing to go when stressed: organization
Struggles to: leave the party, say no to more of anything, slow down.
Most annoying habit according to others: letting the seat belt alarm ding
Photo featured on blog menu by: Bay Productions